
Astromaterials Data System

Astromaterials Data System Sept. 2023 Update

The Astromaterials Data System Sept. 2023 Update is now available. Subscribe to our Astromaterials Data System Community mailing list here!

New Feature! Search for Astromat Data by Sample Name

Use Astromat’s new ‘Sample Lookup’ feature to access a page with all data available and links to external data for the sample. You can also use the updated Astromat Search application to filter a query by specific sample name(s).

Astromaterials Data Archive (ADA)

The Astromaterials Data Archive is now the primary NASA-sponsored archive for returned samples (see NASA’s Planetary Science Division’s Information and Data Management Policy Supplement to SPD-41A). Astromat is currently upgrading the ADA to accommodate the entire spectrum of laboratory analytical data. Astromat will continue to inform the community about progress via this mailing list, the ARES Newsletter, and the ExMAG community.

Astromat @ MetSoc, GSA, and AGU Meetings

  • MetSoc 2023Astromat team members met with community members at our Astromat Town Hall and during the poster sessions. The Astromat Town Hall slides provide an overview of the status and next developments of Astromat.
  • GSA 2023 (October 15-18, 2023, in Pittsburgh)Come by the Astromat-EarthChem-SESAR booth in the exhibit hall to learn more about Astromat’s data systems and services.See Kerstin Lehnhert’s related talk on Monday, 16 October: Standardizing Mineral Data from Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Materials for Reuse in Mineral Informatics
  • AGU Fall Meeting 2023 (upcoming in Dec.)Astromat team members will present several Astromat-related talks (program TBD). Send us an email if you’d like to meet up in person in San Francisco.


ExMAG’s Facilities & Informatics Subcommittee is establishing a Working Group on Astromaterials Data Management to provide feedback and advice to Astromat and support Astromat with the development of community-agreed-upon standards. If you are interested in participating, please email Pierre Haenecour. Feel free to contact the Astromat Team with any other questions.

September 22, 2023

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