
Astromaterials Data System

UCLA Cosmochemistry Database

Extraterrestrial materials include meteorite falls and finds, micrometeorites, and interplanetary dust particles as well as samples returned from manned and robotic spacecraft. Samples have been retrieved from the Moon, several asteroids, a comet, and the solar wind. These materials provide otherwise unobtainable information about the chemical composition, formation, history, and evolution of the Solar System.

Since the 1960s, John Wasson, Paul Warren, and their UCLA colleagues have been analyzing the chemical compositions of a wide range of extraterrestrial materials including iron meteorites, stony iron meteorites, chondrites, achondrites and lunar samples. A large quantity of cosmochemical data has accumulated.

These comprehensive data can help in the recognition of new meteorite groups, the identification of grouplets, and the determination of possible pairing among discrete samples. These data form the basis for modeling the disparate formational processes in the solar nebula and for enhancing our understanding of the formation and evolutionary history of the Moon, asteroids, and planets.

UCLA Cosmochemistry Database Bibliography

Digitized and annotated datasets from the original publications are available through the Astromaterials Data Repository.

Data from “Classification and origin of IAB and IIICD iron meteorites” by Choi et al.

Choi, B., Ouyang, X., Wasson, J. T., 1995

Data from “Composition of 13 elements in 25 IAB-MG irons and some Campo-like irons” by Wasson

Wasson, J. T., 2019

Data from “The chemical classification of iron meteorites: IV. Irons with Ge concentrations greater than 190 ppm and other meteorites associated with group I” by Wasson

Wasson, J. T., 1970

Data from “Compositional range in the Canyon Diablo meteoroid” by Wasson and Ouyang

Wasson, J. T., Kallemeyn, G. W., 1990

Data from “The IAB iron-meteorite complex: A group, five subgroups, numerous grouplets, closely related, mainly formed by crystal segregation in rapidly cooling melts” by Wasson and Kallemeyn

Wasson, J. T., Kallemeyn, G. W., 2002

Data from “Origin of Iron Meteorite Groups IAB and IIICD” by Wasson et al.

Wasson, J. T., Willis, J., Wai, C. M., Kracher, A., 1980

Data from “Willow Grove: A unique nickel-rich ataxite from Victoria, Australia” by Birch et al.

Birch, W. D., Samuels, L. E., Wasson, J. T., 2001

Data from “Compositions and taxonomy of 15 unusual carbonaceous chondrites” by Choe et al.

Choe, W., Huber, H., Rubin, A. E., Kallemeyn, G. W., Wasson, J. T., Zhang, B., 2010

Data from “Systematic compositional variations in the Cape York iron meteorite” by Esbensen et al.

Esbensen, K. H., Buchwald, V. F., Malvin, D. J., Wasson, J. T., 1982

Data from “Compositions of large metal nodules in mesosiderites: Links to iron meteorite group IIIAB and the origin of mesosiderite subgroups” by Hassanzadeh et al.

Hassanzadeh, J., Rubin, A. E., Wasson, J. T., 1990

Data from “Siderophile-element anomalies in CK carbonaceous chondrites: Implications for parent-body aqueous alteration and terrestrial weathering of sulfides” by Huber et al.

Huber, H., Rubin, A. E., Kallemeyn, G. W., Wasson, J. T., Zhang, B., 2006

Data from “Ordinary chondrites: Bulk compositions, classification, lithophile-element fractionations and composition-petrographic type relationships” by Kallemeyn et al.

Kallemeyn, G. W., Rubin, A. E., Wang, D., Wasson, J. T., Zhang, B., 1989

Data from “The compositional classification of chondrites: V. The Karoonda (CK) group of carbonaceous chondrites” by Kallemeyn et al.

Kallemeyn, G. W., Rubin, A. E., Wasson, J. T., Zhang, B., 1991

Data from “The compositional classification of chondrites: VI. The CR carbonaceous chondrite group” by Kallemeyn et al.

Kallemeyn, G. W., Rubin, A. E., Wasson, J. T., Zhang, B., 1994

Data from “The compositional classification of chondrites: VII. The R chondrite group” by Kallemeyn et al.

Kallemeyn, G. W., Rubin, A. E., Wasson, J. T., Zhang, B., 1996

Data from “Compositions of enstatite (EH3, EH4,5 and EL6) chondrites: Implications regarding their formation” by Kallemeyn and Wasson

Kallemeyn, G. W., Wasson, J. T., Zhang, B., 1986

Data from “The compositional classification of chondrites—I. The carbonaceous chondrite groups” by Kallemeyn and Wasson

Kallemeyn, G. W., Wasson, J. T., Zhang, B., 1981

Data from “The compositional classification of chondrites: III. Ungrouped carbonaceous chondrites” by Kallemeyn and Wasson

Kallemeyn, G. W., Wasson, J. T., Zhang, B., 1982

Data from “The compositional classification of chondrites: IV. Ungrouped chondritic meteorites and clasts” by Kallemeyn and Wasson

Kallemeyn, G. W., Wasson, J. T., Zhang, B., 1985

Data from “Chemical classification of iron meteorites—IX. A new group (IIF), revision of IAB and IIICD, and data on 57 additional irons” by Kracher et al.

Kracher, A., Willis, J., Wasson, J. T., 1980

Data from “Chemical classification of iron meteorites—X. Multielement studies of 43 irons, resolution of group IIIE from IIIAB, and evaluation of Cu as a taxonomic parameter” by Malvin et al.

Malvin, D. J., Wang, D., Wasson, J. T., 1984

Data from “Bocaiuva—A silicate‐inclusion bearing iron meteorite related to the Eagle‐Station pallasites” by Malvin et al.

Malvin, D. J., Wasson, J. T., Clayton, R. N., Mayeda, T. K., da Silva Curvello, W., 1985

Data from “Ru, Re, Os, Pt and Au in iron meteorites” by Pernicka and Wasson

Pernicka, E., Wasson, J. T., 1987

Data from “Low‐Ir IAB irons from Morasko and other locations in central Europe: One fall, possibly distinct from IAB‐MG” by Pilski et al.

Pilski, A. S., Wasson, J. T., Muszyński, A., Kryza, R., Karwowski, L., Nowak, M., 2013

Data from “Compositional trends and cooling rates of group IVB iron meteorites” by Rasmussen et al.

Rasmussen, K. L., Malvin, D. J., Buchwald, V. F., Wasson, J. T., 1984

Data from “A IAB-complex iron meteorite containing low-Ca clinopyroxene: Northwest Africa 468 and its relationship to lodranites and formation by impact melting” by Rubin et al.

Rubin, A. E., Kallemeyn, G. W., Wasson, J. T., 2002

Data from “Progressive aqueous alteration of CM carbonaceous chondrites” by Rubin et al.

Rubin, A. E., Trigo-Rodríguez, J. M., Huber, H., Wasson, J. T., Zhang, B., 2007

Data from “The chemical classification of iron meteorites. VI. A reinvestigation of irons with Ge concentration lower than 1 ppm” by Schaudy et al.

Schaudy, R., Wasson, J. T., Buchwald, V. F., 1972

Data from “Chemical classification of iron meteorites—VIII. Groups IC, IIE, IIIF and 97 other irons” by Scott and Wasson

Scott, E. R., Wasson, J. T., 1976

Data from “Four new iron meteorite finds” by Scott et al.

Scott, E. R., Wasson, J. T., Bild, R. W., 1977

Data from “The chemical classification of iron meteorites—VII. A reinvestigation of irons with Ge concentrations between 25 and 80 ppm” by Scott et al.

Scott, E. R., Wasson, J. T., Buchwald, V. F., 1973

Data from “The compositional classification of chondrites: II The enstatite chondrite groups” by Sears et al.

Sears, D. W., Kallemeyn, G. W., Wasson, J. T., Zhang, B., 1982

Data from “Formation of non-magmatic iron-meteorite group IIE” by Wasson

Wasson, J. T., 2017

Data from “Formation of the Treysa quintet and the main-group pallasites by impact-generated processes in the IIIAB asteroid” by Wasson

Wasson, J. T., 2016

Data from “Ni, Ga, Ge and Ir in the metal of iron-meteorites-with-silicate-inclusions” by Wasson

Wasson, J. T., 1970

Data from “Relationship between iron-meteorite composition and size: Compositional distribution of irons from North Africa” by Wasson

Wasson, J. T., 2011

Data from “The chemical classification of iron meteorites—III. Hexahedrites and other irons with germanium concentrations between 80 and 200 ppm” by Wasson

Wasson, J. T., 1969

Data from “The chemical classification of iron meteorites: I. A study of iron meteorites with low concentrations of gallium and germanium” by Wasson

Wasson, J. T., 1967

Data from “Trapped melt in IIIAB irons; solid/liquid elemental partitioning during the fractionation of the IIIAB magma” by Wasson

Wasson, J. T., 1999

Data from “Ungrouped iron meteorites in Antarctica: Origin of anomalously high abundance” by Wasson

Wasson, J. T., 1990

Data from “New Chilean iron meteorites: Medium octahedrites from Northern Chile are unique” by Wasson and Canut de Bon

Wasson, J. T., Canut de Bon, C., 1998

Data from “The IIG iron meteorites: Probable formation in the IIAB core” by Wasson and Choe

Wasson, J. T., Choe, W., 2009

Data from “Chemical classification of iron meteorites: XII. New members of the magmatic groups” by Wasson et al.

Wasson, J. T., Choi, , Jerde, E. A., Ulff-Møller, F., 1998

Data from “Main-group pallasites: Chemical composition, relationship to IIIAB irons, and origin” by Wasson and Choi

Wasson, J. T., Choi, B. G., 2002

Data from “Compositional trends among IID irons; their possible formation from the P-rich lower magma in a two-layer core” by Wasson and Huber

Wasson, J. T., Huber, H., 2006

Data from “Formation of IIAB iron meteorites” by Wasson et al.

Wasson, J. T., Huber, H., Malvin, D. J., 2007

Data from “Compositional and petrographic similarities of CV and CK chondrites: A single group with variations in textures and volatile concentrations attributable to impact heating, crushing and oxidation” by Wasson et al.

Wasson, J. T., Isa, J., Rubin, A. E., Zhang, B., 2013

Data from “Compositions of chondrites” by Wasson and Kallemeyn et al.

Wasson, J. T., Kallemeyn, G. W., Zhang, B., 1988

Data from “The chemical classification of iron meteorites—II. Irons and pallasites with germanium concentrations between 8 and 100 ppm” by Wasson and Kimbelin

Wasson, J. T., Kimbelin, J., 1967

Data from “Compositional study of a suite of samples from the 28-t Armanty (Xinjiang) iron meteorite” by Wasson et al.

Wasson, J. T., Ouyang, X., Wang, D., 1988

Data from “Chemical classification of iron meteorites: XI. Multi-element studies of 38 new irons and the high abundance of ungrouped irons from Antarctica” by Wasson et al.

Wasson, J. T., Ouyang, X., Wang, J., Jerde, E., 1988

Data from “Fractionation trends among IVA iron meteorites: Contrasts with IIIAB trends” by Wasson and Richardson

Wasson, J. T., Richardson, J. W., 2001

Data from “The chemical classification of iron meteorites—V groups IIIC and IIID and other irons with germanium concentrations between 1 and 25 ppm” by Wasson and Schaudy

Wasson, J. T., Schaudy, R., 1971

Data from “Mesosiderites—I. Compositions of their metallic portions and possible relationship to other metal-rich meteorite groups” by Wasson et al.

Wasson, J. T., Schaudy, R., Bild, R. W., Chou, C., 1974

Data from “A nonmagmatic origin of group-IIE iron meteorites” by Wasson and Wang

Wasson, J. T., Wang, J., 1986

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