
Astromaterials Data System


Below are publications that cite the Astromaterials Data System. Our team continuously updates this list, but please let us know if we've missed one.

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  • Bindi, L., & Cruciani, G. (Eds.). (2023). Celebrating the international year of mineralogy: progress and landmark discoveries of the last decades. Springer.
  • Deng, Z., Schiller, M., Jackson, M. G., Millet, M.-A., Pan, L., Nikolajsen, K., Saji, N. S., Huang, D., & Bizzarro, M. (2023). Earth’s evolving geodynamic regime recorded by titanium isotopes. Nature, 621(7977), 100–104.
  • Frossard, P., Bonnand, P., Boyet, M., & Bouvier, A. (2024). Role of redox conditions and thermal metamorphism in the preservation of Cr isotopic anomalies in components of non-carbonaceous chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 367, 165–178.
  • Luo, B., Wang, Z., Song, J., Qian, Y., He, Q., Li, Y., Head, J. W., Moynier, F., Xiao, L., Becker, H., Huang, B., Ruan, B., Hu, Y., Pan, F., Xu, C., Liu, W., Zong, K., Zhao, J., Zhang, W., … Zhang, H. (2023). The magmatic architecture and evolution of the Chang’e-5 lunar basalts. Nature Geoscience, 16(4), 301–308.
  • Onyett, I. J., Schiller, M., Makhatadze, G. V., Deng, Z., Johansen, A., & Bizzarro, M. (2023). Silicon isotope constraints on terrestrial planet accretion. Nature, 619(7970), 539–544.
  • Prabhu, A., Morrison, S. M., & Hazen, R. M. (2023). Mineral Informatics: Origins. In L. Bindi & G. Cruciani (Eds.), Celebrating the International Year of Mineralogy (pp. 39–68). Springer Nature Switzerland.
  • Prissel, K., Fei, Y., & Strobel, T. A. (2023). Feiite: Synthesis, stability, and implications for its formation conditions in nature. American Mineralogist, 108(7), 1315–1321.
  • Sehlke, A., Sears, D. W. G., & the ANGSA Science Team. (2024). The Apollo 17 Regolith: Induced Thermoluminescence Evidence for Formation by a Single Event ∼100 Million Years Ago and Possibly the Presence of Tycho Material. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 129(4), e2023JE008083.
  • Yuan, J., Huang, H., Chen, Y., Yang, W., Tian, H., Zhang, D., & Zhang, H. (2023). Automatic Bulk Composition Analysis of Lunar Basalts: Novel Big-Data Algorithm for Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 7(2), 370–378.
  • Gorce, J. S., Mittlefehldt, D. W., & Simon, J. I. (2022). Localized equilibrium and mineralogic effects on trace element distribution and mobility in highly metamorphosed Eucrite Elephant Moraine (EET) 90020. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 335, 256–271.
  • Johnston, S., Brandon, A., McLeod, C., Rankenburg, K., Becker, H., & Copeland, P. (2022). Nd isotope variation between the Earth–Moon system and enstatite chondrites. Nature, 611(7936), 501–506.
  • Nicklas, R. W., Day, J. M. D., Gardner-Vandy, K. G., & Udry, A. (2022). Early silicic magmatism on a differentiated asteroid. Nature Geoscience, 15(9), 696–699.
  • Torcivia, M. A., & Neal, C. R. (2022). Unraveling the Components Within Apollo 16 Ferroan Anorthosite Suite Cataclastic Anorthosite Sample 60025: Implications for the Lunar Magma Ocean Model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 127(2), e2020JE006799.
  • Zhang, B., Chabot, N. L., & Rubin, A. E. (2022). Compositions of carbonaceous-type asteroidal cores in the early solar system. Science Advances, 8(37), eabo5781.
  • Zhang, D., Su, B., Chen, Y., Yang, W., Mao, Q., & Jia, L.-H. (2022). Titanium in olivine reveals low-Ti origin of the Chang’E-5 lunar basalts. Lithos, 414–415, 106639.
  • Brugman, K., Phillips, M. G., & Till, C. B. (2021). Experimental Determination of Mantle Solidi and Melt Compositions for Two Likely Rocky Exoplanet Compositions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 126(7), e2020JE006731.
  • Norman, M. D., Jourdan, F., & Hui, S. S. M. (2019). Impact History and Regolith Evolution on the Moon: Geochemistry and Ages of Glasses from the Apollo 16 Site. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 124(12), 3167–3180.
  • Vogt, M., Trieloff, M., Ott, U., Hopp, J., & Schwarz, W. H. (2021). Solar noble gases in an iron meteorite indicate terrestrial mantle signatures derive from Earth’s core. Communications Earth & Environment, 2(1), 92.
  • Xue, Z., Welsh, D. F., Neal, C. R., & Xiao, L. (2021). Understanding the textures of Apollo 11 high‐Ti mare basalts: A quantitative petrographic approach. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 56(12), 2211–2229.
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