
Astromaterials Data System


The Astromaterials Data Archive archives, publishes and makes accessible user-contributed data and other digital content from Planetary Science research. When using Astromaterials Data Systems' repository services your dataset will be reviewed by curators with domain-specific knowledge, as outlined below. By submitting your dataset, you hereby agree to and accept the following policies:

The Astromaterials Data Archive is domain-specific for astromaterials sample analytical data. Upon curatorial review, if the submitted data type is considered outside of the repository scope, your data can be rejected from publication.

Please check with our curatorial staff before you start your data submission if your data are within the scope of the Astromaterials Data Archive.

Whenever possible, our staff will provide alternative repositories that would best suit the data type.

The Astromaterials Data Archive offer a data submission template which is tailored to specific data types.

We highly recommend the use of the template to ensure reproducibility of the data and easy conversion to machine-readable formats.

The complete list of accepted file formats can be found here. If the data type can not be aligned with the pre-existing template, it should at least be supplied in one of the following formats:

Generic Resource TypesRecommended Format(s)Additional Format(s)Comment(s)

Tabular Data

Comma Separated Values (.csv), Tab Separated Values (.tsv), netCDF (.nc), OpenOffice Calc (.ods)

Microsoft Excel (.xls or .xlsx), JavaScript Object Notation (.json)

ASCII or UTF/UTF8/UNI See guidance for using NetCDF 


Portable Document Format/Archival (.pdf), OpenOffice Document (.odt), ASCII (.txt)

Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx)

Text documents must conform with Section 508 Standards.


ISO 19139 (.xml) Geospatial Metadata

FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata (CSDGM), NASA Directory Interchange Format (DIF), Hierarchical Data Format (.hdf or .h5), Resource Description Framework (.rdf)

The preferred representation of metadata in these standard formats is to be in eXtensible Markup Language (xml).


Portable Network Format (.png), JPEG (.jpeg), Tagged Image File Format (.tiff)

BitMap (.bmp), Graphics Interchange Format (.gif), High Efficiency Image (.HEIC)


Zip (.zip), Webpage (.html), Jupyter Notebook (.ipynb), Matlab (.m), PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx)

Our repository strives to deliver the best quality metadata for datasets. Our curators will review metadata associated with your submitted data, as outlined below.

The completeness and correctness of the (meta)data is the responsibility of the contributor.

Metadata TypeRequired MetadataOptional MetadataComment(s)

Data Source


Title is concise and describes the dataset content.


Abstract uses full sentences to describe what measurements were done, the locations, and for what purpose. Avoid abbreviations & acronyms.


Sample name

Use of the International Geo Sample Numbers (IGSN) is recommended.

Sample Descriptors

Include classification, age, and any additional information on how, where and when the sample was collected.

Data and Methods

Each analyte (parameter) in the data table(s) is linked to a sample name or number.

All analytes and units are clearly stated and defined.

Avoid or define abbreviations. Relevant standards and reference measurements should be included when possible.


Use these metadata to define the method code for each analyte (parameter).

Compilation Dataset

Reference sheet/tab with full citations of all referred publications.

Related Publication Information

Authors, Year, Title, Publisher, (Status)

Please include a citation or DOI for the manuscript in which the dataset will be used. If your manuscript is not published yet, include the status (in prep., submitted, in review, accepted).

Funding Information

NASA or other award numbers

This will allow tracking of datasets by Award Number and show compliance with Data Management policies of funding agencies.

The Astromaterials Data Archive is a curated file repository, you will receive your dataset DOI only after your files and submission have been reviewed and accepted. Please keep in mind that this entire process can take up to two weeks. Complete datasets following all requirements are often published within a few business days.

Datasets in the Astromaterials Data Archive can be identified, shared, published and cited by using a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). The Astromaterials Data Archive provides archiving services through IEDA, a publication agent with the DataCite consortium.

Astromaterials Data Archive/Repository Data Citation

  • Reference the data product with its DOI in the references section of your publication.
  • Format the citation: Author(s) (Publication Year): Title. Publisher. Identifier. Data Accessed.
  • Example: Foustoukos, D., 2023. EA-IRMS Analysis, H for the sample OREX-501034-0; OREX-501035-0; OREX-501036-0; OREX-501037-0;OREX-501040-0, Version 1.0. Astromaterials Data Archive. Accessed 2024-07-01.

Access to the Astromaterials Data Archive is open and free but you may not circulate or publish materials obtained from this site unless you adhere to the licensing requirements as stipulated by the provider of the dataset(s).

The Astromaterials Data Archive guarantees long-term availability of its content through NASA Mission Cloud Platform (MCP). MCP is part of the NASA Managed Cloud Environment (MCE) that adds government service delivery to cloud services with centralized service management plus security and follows the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Shared Security Model.

Use of digital materials obtained from the Astromaterials Data Archive is licensed under varying licenses that can be selected by the data contributor. The license that is applicable for a given dataset can be found on its landing page.

Contributors have 4 data file license options to choose from for preserving and enabling continuing access and use of data and related information. Selecting an open access license (marked with an asterisk, below) is strongly encouraged.

*Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication (CC0)

*Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License (PDDL) v1.0

*Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Need Help Submitting Your Data?

Get in touch with an Astromat curator if you have questions or concerns prior to submission.

Astromat is a trusted repository service for researchers to publish and archive astromaterials sample data.

Data is shared in compliance with Open Data policies.

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The Bubble Nebula (NGC 7635) observed by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope.

Funded by NASA.
Hosted at the LDEO of Columbia University.

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