
Astromaterials Data System

Terms Of Use

Our Site

This website is the property of the Astromaterials Data System (Astromat). Astromat maintains the exclusive right to determine terms and conditions for use of this website.

Terms and Conditions for Website Use

This website is designed for both public and academic use. You may use our systems and services only for lawful purposes. Use of digital materials obtained from our systems are licensed under varying Creative Commons licenses. You may browse freely, but you may not circulate or publish materials you obtained from this site if you do not accept the terms of providing adequate citation.

How to Cite

All data obtained from Astromat should be adequately cited following license-specific requirements and/or the following:

Astromaterials Data Archive (ADA)

Datasets published in the ADA are allocated a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), and any future publications resulting from your use of these data should include a data citation which includes this DOI. The dataset license can be found on the dataset landing page.

Astromaterials Data Synthesis

Downloads from the Astromat Synthesis should be cited by giving the date and, if possible, parameters of the download.

  • Example: “The data were downloaded from the Astromaterials Data Synthesis ( on July 31, 2024, using the following parameter: Sample Type = Regolith Breccia and Analysis Type = Whole Rock.”
  • Reference the Astromaterials Data Synthesis URL in text and in figure captions:
  • We strongly encourage you to also cite the original scientists who contributed to the downloaded dataset or create a secondary bibliography for work that uses large datasets. Many journals will accept this as a supplementary material file. This type of citation helps ensure that the hard work performed by members of our community is acknowledged properly.


We make no claims to accuracy of the data identification, acquisition parameters, processing methods, navigation, database entries, or reference information. We ask that you notify us immediately of any contributions that contain objectionable material.

Contributing Content

By contributing content to the Astromaterials Data Archive (ADA) you warrant that 1) your content is original to you and/or is licensed and fully cleared to permit your use and submission to ADA, and 2) that your content does not violate or breach any of these Terms of Use. You will need an ORCID ID to contribute content and access certain features of the ADA.

Deletion of Content

Please contact us if you would like to delete any of your content.

Failure to Comply

In the case of non-compliance or misuse of services, Astromat reserves the right to disable access without notice.


If you have any comments or concerns about our services, please contact us.


Astromat is hosted at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University and supported by the NASA Planetary Science Division, Planetary Data Ecosystem. These terms of use were last updated in August 2024.

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The Bubble Nebula (NGC 7635) observed by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope.

Funded by NASA.
Hosted at the LDEO of Columbia University.

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